07 May 2010

Front Porch Frugalicious

This little sitting area on my little front porch has been put together very frugally. It's actually quite amazing to recall where all this was gathered from. 
 The only thing pictured here that was purchased from a store is the wicker chair on the left.  The pink stool was a find from my parents garage that I retreived from their trash pile.  I painted it up pink and added some topiaries and a bee hive .
The wicker table between the chairs was retrieved from my neighbor's trash. 
 I added a coat of paint to help seal in it's shabbiness.
The wicker chaise was purchased at a yard sale and I made the chair cushion from a chenille bedspread purchased at an auction for $5.  I stuffed it with three old bed pillows that I had saved just to salvage the stufffing for other projects but ended up using the complete pillow so they can be taken out and the cover washed.
The stacked bird bath's=FREE from my Aunt's garage
Tabletop decor= yard sales and Goodwill
Shells=FREE finds from beach vacations
Frugal decorating is really the most charming, don't ya think?


  1. Mandy, I love how sweet you've made your porch with thrifty finds. What a good idea to use cast off bed pillows this way - I wish I had saved some recently thrown out in the trash!

    Have a fab weekend dear.
    Hugs - Mary

  2. Your porch is adorable! I love the pink bench and what you did to it.

  3. Yes what a relaxing looking porch - one's shoulders drop just seeing it!

  4. Your porch is fabolous!! I love the shabby chic look.

  5. SO lovely!
    You are featured on my blog!!

  6. I love your wicker! And the chenille is great, too! Thanks so much for visiting my blog, and your nice comments! Glad that you got to see Paris! It is my very favorite place in the world. Sorry that you couldn't find the train to Giverny. Don't feel bad! After we took a bus from our hotel to the train station (Gare St. Lazarre), we couldn't figure out where the train station was, then we realized (thanks to a helpful Frenchman) that we were already there!!


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